Saturday, November 7, 2015

African Art

African Art

Art is found
Ornamentation, rituals, tools, statues, masks, and dance

Since the materials used were mostly wood and straw, most objects in meusems are less than 200 years old

Ceremonial african art includes sound, color, and movement

The oldest african art are in dryer climates.
Ancient Bushman paintings, typically represent animals.  Painted on stone were rock art is found
Hunting and gathering persisted until recent times

7000 years ago- African empires flourished and artistic achievement flourished

15th-17th statues most often were of rulers

Gold,wood chairs are also found

Great Zimbabwe had a sophisticated political and economic system

Perceptual-based on the artists observstion of visual reality
Conceptual- based on the artists imagination. Expresses an interior set of ideas

Africa has a rich diversity of art

All african art traditionally played a role in daily life or in ceremonial rights. Many utilitarian objects are decorated with design

Artists werw respected and made art through tradition. An artists could gain local fame, if they were able to produce art in the traditional form better than most other artists

The importance of tradition has enabled historians today to see the artistic stylus of ancient times.

Art was believed to intervene in the actual course of life.

Art was to conjure a spirit

Shamans were ritual experts

African art has a variety of purposes

Dance rituals conveyed myth or serve to awe the participants

I believe the addition of the films add depth to the readings and provide students like me with the chance to have a visual to compare.   

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